Welcome to Girl Friday! We are The Original Acrylic Calendar company! We believe that organizing life makes life better. And why not do it in style. We hang out at the intersection of modern and human. We love things that are helpful, smart, transparent and very well made. We were tired of whiteboards that ghosted, stained, and generally always looked dingy. We discovered that acrylic is a wonderful writing surface for dry-erase and wet-erase markers. We made our first acrylic calendar prototype in 2014, hung it in our kitchen, and it still looks great today.

Girl Friday is run by wife and husband, Becky and Scott. Becky is a former French teacher turned entrepreneur. She loves all things practical, useful, and high quality. She likes to come up with new ways to get her kids to do their chores, pick up after themselves, practice the piano, be more independent, and of course, always know when their next lacrosse practice, piano lesson, or play rehearsal is, just by glancing at the wall calendar. Scott is an award-winning graphic designer and is happy on most Thursdays, Fridays, Tuesdays, Sundays, Saturdays, Wednesdays, and some Mondays.
We hope you find something you like and we wish you a life well-planned and well-lived.
Have a wonderful day!
xoxo GirlFriday